College Nannies + Tutors Help Build Strong Families

Amand Hand Family

College Nannies + Tutors in Canton has been helping to build stronger families in the community since 2014. The business is locally owned and operated. The owners both had demanding careers and needed backup care many times. It was then that they realized the service was needed in the community.

They provide quality care that comes from role model nannies and one-on-one attention from college tutors. College Nannies + Tutors provides sitter services for families. Parents may need backup care when their children are ill, schools are closed, or their current caregiver is unavailable. They may also simply be in need of a date night. College Sitters can easily be scheduled through their mobile app. The one-on-one tutoring covers all subjects including AP, Honors, and ACT and SAT Test Prep services.

The owners chose the location because Canton is a family oriented community. Since opening, they have seen outstanding growth in both the nanny and tutor services.

Visit them at Liberty Fest on June 17 and 18.

They are located at 42180 Ford Road, #302 in Canton. Stop in or call 734-761-8393 to schedule a personal family consultation. Visit the website at